Curt Hansen
GM Curt Hansen - Denmark

GM Curt Hansen, Denmark
Born September 18th 1964, Bov, Denmark
Rating: 2613 (July 1st 2000)
Placing world ranking list: 65 (July 1st 2000)
Placing Danish ranking list: 1 (March 17th 2000)

IM 1982, GM 1985.
Danish champion 1983-85, 1994, 1998 og 2000.
European junior champion 1982.
World junior champion 1984.
Scandinavian champion 1983 (in Esbjerg with first GM-norm) and 1995.

Curt Hansen became Denmark's second grandmaster after Bent Larsen. He is undisputedly Denmark's strongest chess player right now - and is the only Danish player with more than ELO 2600. To underline this, he undefeatedly won this year's Danish Championship with 6/8.

Curt is also playing for SG Köln Porz (team mate with world champion Khalifman) in the German Bundesliga, where the club again became German champions. Curt is constantly scoring many points (this year 10˝/15, last year 11/15) allthough it's one of the strongest leagues in the world.

After this year's Danish championship, Curt participated in a category XV tournament in Essen, Germany, scoring 4/9 - eight draws and one loss to Dreev (ELO 2680 - who was in the defeated field, when Curt became junior world champion in 1984), a score a little below expectations.

Curt Hansen moreover edits chess columns in two Danish newspapers, Jyllands-Posten and Jydske Vestkysten.

Further information about Curt Hansen is available on the Danish Chess Federations (DSUs) homepage.
